the sky is falling

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

monkey business

lets just say, im back to blogging once again, and amen to that. but whats worrying is that i didnt miss blogging a single bit, and yeah you saw that. not a single bit. does that means that im sick of blogging or what? lets hope im not cos i really want to continue blogging alright. so now enough of the blabbering, its time for re-cap monstaheads (:


on saturday, we had a family picnic at marine parade. and the heavy down pour didnt really make our day. we practically spent around 1 and a half hour in the tent, struggling with the rain and storm. the tent wasnt really that strong so water start dripping in and the tent wasnt in shape anymore. and whats worst is that we were still wet even when we're in the fucking tent (read: bocor tent).

aunts and nephews came soon after that, and thank god the storm ended but its still drizzling tho. did some cycling ad walking around till wee hours before we start packing up.

end of part 1.


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